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Contest New Year 2011 Vancouver Canada

Canadian taxes: tax return in Canada

Do you remember the school song “What Are Little Boys Made Of?

Then a detailed description of various things composing little boys and girls was provided.

Thus due to a set of “components” it became clear why all boys are such boasters and brawlers, and girls appear to be squealers and cowards. Consequently you realized what to expect from both of them. So are the taxes: the knowledge of their structure and the way they work makes a lot of things in our life  clearer and more predictable.

Studying the basic theory – tax return – could be the first step to this.

Here are several general comments

Taxation in Canada is built on the principle of individual and personal responsibility of every taxpayer. You and only you are responsible for everything. No arguments such as “I don’t know – I was just said so” won’t save you from penalties and fines. Unlike the other countries we don’t have a concept of a “family” declaration. Therefore everyone fills his personal declaration in and pays his own taxes. However married couples are advised to fill declarations together. In such case the total tax could be “minimized” while redirecting certain kinds of income and tax deductions with maximum tax efficiency for the whole family.

It’s for you to decide – to file a tax return or not. I can say from my long-term experience that nearly 15-20% of declarations end with a “fatal” outcome – tax debt. However in other cases money virtually “fallen from sky” are waiting for you. That’s why the declaration is translated literary as “tax return”. Just remember, that this “surplus” is your money loaned to the State during a year, it sometimes happens due to ignorance or thoughtlessly. When you return several thousand the situation could be treated as an absence of any tax planning throughout the year.  File and get yours as the saying is…

More on advantages of filing tax return >>

© Vadim Tartakovsky

British Columbia Taxes, Tax Reduction
More on Canadian Taxes (in Russian)

BC’s Monthly Exports Up By 22 Per Cent

Vancouver Exports shipped from British Columbia to international markets totalled $2.57 billion in October, up by $470 million or 22 per cent compared with October 2009.

Thanks to our manufacturers and exporters, B.C. is shipping nearly $9.5 million more in goods every day in 2010 to international markets compared with last year, said Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Tourism, Trade and Investment. These positive export numbers are another indication that our province is emerging from the recession in a position of relative strength and stability.

According to Export Development Canada, British Columbia's positive export climate is expected to continue. The export credit agency is forecasting B.C. to be the only province to record double-digit increase this year and next, and will lead the nation in export growth in 2011.

Octobers export numbers are found in the latest Canadian International Merchandise Trade report, released on December 10 by Statistics Canada. So far in 2010, B.C.-origin exports total $23.8 billion, up by $2.88 billion or nearly 14 per cent compared with last years pace.

More BC Economy News
More BC Stock Market News (in Russian)

Gold & Silver in Canada

ItemBuys atSells at
1 OZ GOLD BAR 1395.00 1435.00
5 OZ GOLD BAR 6965.00 7145.00
10 OZ GOLD BAR 13920.00 14270.00
1 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 1400.00 1463.00
1/2 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 714.00 759.00
1/4 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 361.00 387.00
1/10 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 147.00 162.00
1/20 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 74.00 95.00
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF 30.84 33.11
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF (50+ COINS) 30.84 32.56
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF (500+ COINS) 30.84 32.46
1 OZ SILVER BAR / ROUND 29.59 31.80
10 OZ SILVER BAR 296.00 318.00
50 OZ SILVER BAR 1480.00 1560.00
100 OZ SILVER BAR 2959.00 3110.00
1 OZ PLATINUM BAR 1672.00 1772.00
1 OZ PLATINUM MAPLE LEAF 1742.00 1842.00

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