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Какие красавцы, но хищники, однако…


                             Какие красавцы, но хищники, однако…


https://flic.kr/p/5HSrj9 | Perfect day - Journée parfaite | It was so beautiful this afternoon.. i did put my work on the side and went for some photos... This is a composite image. a nd gradient filter was use on a cokin system to dime the sky light to match the ground. The snowy owl is a composite from a shot against the sky.. My contacts can see a bigger size`, well worth it ;-):


Snowy Owl Launch * * Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon. If you're not sure, take flight.        ~           E. Stanton:

Snowy Owl takeoff:

a barred beauty fishing -- awesome!:

Great Horned Owl. Baby Owls FB:


Swooping Owl -  Russian Forest:



   Eastern Screech Owl:


500px / Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Bubo bubo, Výr velký by Karel Ženíšek    <3:


Great Horned Owl:


Perching Beauty, Alfred Forns:



Owl by Kimberley Logan:


~~Intensity ~ Boreal Owl by Carrie Groseclose~~:




Big family:

Who we are and What We Can Do For You !! Email: salona@dtrix.co.za www.dtrix.co.za Call: 074 409 9730:




Great Horned Owl::

Great Horned Owls:

cloudyowl: “ Eurasian Eagle Owl by JaneTurner68 ”:



Love this owl:

Iiiik!..Well,What Do You Think About Samissomar´s Pinterests...Do You Want Me To Help You To Decide...I Can Give You A Push If You Like It ?... http://samissomar.wix.com/soundscapings:

Búho nival...:

Snow Owl: "Moonlight Becomes Me..." (By: Else Glerup on 500px.):

Owl smile:


Amazing Snow Owl * * BEAUTIFUL PHOTO SHOOT.:

'Totally Run Off My Feet...' Photo by Austin Thomas. Original in colour. °:

Owls in mist. via: crescentmoon06 - Imgend:



It's the little things.....Great Gray owls:


Mother owl and baby:


Steampunk owl!:


Это интересно

модератор 07.10.2016
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